Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Don't Litter, it makes the world bitter!

   Today, I will be writing about Recycling. I usually throw everything into the garbage, plastic, paper, cardboard. It's not good for the environment, it's ruining our plants, trees and is putting bad gasses in our air. Everyone should be recycling because if you recycle your actually reducing tree populations. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is one of the biggest logos of recycling. By reusing papers that you write 2 words on and not recycling, you're reducing how many trees are cut down. Many reasons to recycle are: Reduce pollution, Reduction in Landfills, Conservation of Materials and save energy/money.
href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/65262946@N04/5940825508/">Arnav Singhania

   Reduce Pollution: Chemicals used in the manufacturing process contributed to water pollution, if the contaminated water is not properly treated before it's released in to the environment. If you continue to reuse, water bottles, paper(both side) and containers, you're not creating more waste. Ex: When you don't recycle and just throw it in the garbage, it's just polluting the air we all breath in (animals, people, plants, etc.).

   Reduction in Landfills: In America more than 23% of people don't recycle, which means they throw everything into the garbage, which ends up either in a landfill or a garbage dump. If we don't stop our environment will end up smelling bad and the landfill will have no where to go nut in our society. So we must recycle as much as we can to reduce it.

   Conservation of material: To make products ad paper they cut down trees, but by cutting trees down it's affecting our wildlife and environment. If we recycle more paper and rely less on new products, will help save our wildlife. Ex: animals who rely entirely on nature, such as trees to stay cool on hot days and plants to stay alive. They won't be able to stay alive because they will overheat.

   Save money and energy: When you're reusing products, recycling our products and not always relying on buying new products, you're saving money and energy. The reason is because we aren't producing new products everyday which is using energy and we are paying for the energy and products. Did you know that conserving energy is also the key element for the fight against climate change? Ex: Reusing water bottles until they are broken before going to buy new ones. Instead of using Tim Hortons use reusable mugs.

Ex: 1
href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/24031740@N02/16041656585/">Rick Cook

href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/58482263@N03/6003397822/">greenlivingeco via Compfight cc
Ex: 2


  Are you going to let our wildlife animals die? Animals in the ocean? Or are you going to make a change in your life?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your title, it's very catchy. I also like the questions you ask your reader it helps the reader to reflect personally on their own life.

  3. I like that you have a lot of photos to look at while I'm reading. And I agree with recycling and that people need to take into consideration that it is a serious issue that harms everyone in the end.
    I can connect to your blog because I did mine on recycling too and I think its a serious topic.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The pictures and videos relate very well to this post. It is very well constructed,you give a detailed explanation of what you plan to do and why littering is bad for our environment.The detailed description on how we can stop the pollution along with pictures to help guide me to recycling and reusing items is wonderful and you did a very good job!

  6. This is very informative, and also very well written. It's great how you made as many examples as you did, it really is helpful! The pictures and videos were very well suited to the post, and an over all great job.
