For my community action, I decided that I would make some posters to put up around my neighborhood and give to my neighbors so they know what they can do by recycling and what they are doing by not recycling. By doing this, I making our community and environment a safer and better place to be in. I think that recycling is so much harder than just throwing everything into the garbage.
So, this is my poster that I hand made and I took photocopies of this and posted them all around my area. Lots of my neighbors have stopped to look, I think that just looking around our park they probably understand that we use too much paper and that when we don't recycle our park could just end up as a flat land, which isn't what we want. Our animals and plants will have nothing to feed on, except each other which will decrease our animal population along with our plant population.
What can we do? How can we do it? How do we start? Well, those are great questions and don't be afraid to ask yourself what you can do to save our environment. Please start recycling. If nobody recycled our world will have no trees. We can also help those who live in poverty by recycling, because they can receive some of the recycled bottles along with the water we are reducing by reusing water bottles over and over again. What are you waiting for? Change the world, and make our community pollution free, save plants, animals, trees, and more.
So, this week I helped my mom recycle. I gathered all my recyclables and helped carry out a blue bin that my parents bought for recycling. I eat a lot up junk food, chocolate, especially gum. As you can see in the first picture there's five packages of gum and a box from chocolate covered raisins.
This photo was taken after one day of lunch at my grandparents house, my brother Taylor and I drank one bottle of ice tea and put peach juice into our water bottles before we leave, we recycled these bottles after we were done to save money and also to save the environment instead of throwing the containers into the garbage we throw them into the blue bins. Well, why do we have blue bins if we don't use them?
Recycling is helping save our trees, animals and more so why don't you start recycling?
So this weekend I was at the Sleep Inn with my curling team and we had Pizza, Pop and chips. We had five big bottles of pop and we had used recyclable cups. The five bottles of pop: Root Beer, Pepsi, Coke, Orange Crush, Sprite and Dr. Pepper. We finished Root Beer, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite and Dr. Pepper and recycled them, in a bag to take to Sarcan. I still have the Orange Crush because we didn't drink it at the hotel.
In these pictures we have 7 cups, 1 for each of our teammates (6)and one from the next morning when we had juice at breakfast.
What is you're favorite pop? And will you start recycling you're bottles?
I'm continuing to recycle still. Stay tuned for my next blog.
For this project I will be recycling paper, bottles, everything that is recyclable. I think this is a good project for me because I don't recycle even though I should be, I used to think that throwing everything into the garbage is fine but now i know that throwing paper, bottles, etc. into the garbage is not good for our environment. It's time for me to change, and I think its time for you to change too. We don't have blue bins in our yards for no reason use them responsibly, start recycling today. If your in a hotel and your using plastic cups and look on the bottom and they have a recycling triangle what do you do? What if you bought ten bottles of pop for a celebration and you finish all of them? At school if you're done with the paper and don't need it anymore, what can you do? All these questions and more should be running around in your head when your buying food, drinks and mostly everything can be recycled. You can get money back from you're bottles and other products at Sarcan. I'm ready for a change. Are you?
Today, I will be writing about Recycling. I usually throw everything into the garbage, plastic, paper, cardboard. It's not good for the environment, it's ruining our plants, trees and is putting bad gasses in our air. Everyone should be recycling because if you recycle your actually reducing tree populations. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is one of the biggest logos of recycling. By reusing papers that you write 2 words on and not recycling, you're reducing how many trees are cut down. Many reasons to recycle are: Reduce pollution, Reduction in Landfills, Conservation of Materials and save energy/money.
Reduce Pollution: Chemicals used in the manufacturing process contributed to water pollution, if the contaminated water is not properly treated before it's released in to the environment. If you continue to reuse, water bottles, paper(both side) and containers, you're not creating more waste. Ex: When you don't recycle and just throw it in the garbage, it's just polluting the air we all breath in (animals, people, plants, etc.).
Reduction in Landfills: In America more than 23% of people don't recycle, which means they throw everything into the garbage, which ends up either in a landfill or a garbage dump. If we don't stop our environment will end up smelling bad and the landfill will have no where to go nut in our society. So we must recycle as much as we can to reduce it.
Conservation of material: To make products ad paper they cut down trees, but by cutting trees down it's affecting our wildlife and environment. If we recycle more paper and rely less on new products, will help save our wildlife. Ex: animals who rely entirely on nature, such as trees to stay cool on hot days and plants to stay alive. They won't be able to stay alive because they will overheat.
Save money and energy: When you're reusing products, recycling our products and not always relying on buying new products, you're saving money and energy. The reason is because we aren't producing new products everyday which is using energy and we are paying for the energy and products. Did you know that conserving energy is also the key element for the fight against climate change? Ex: Reusing water bottles until they are broken before going to buy new ones. Instead of using Tim Hortons use reusable mugs.